My friend moved his start-up recently, and his daily rants proved that it wasn’t an easy task. Moving your employees, furniture and other infrastructure is no piece of cake. However, if your old office if is too cramped or your location prevents your clients from visiting you, then you can consider a move. Having made up your mind, don’t look back. It’s better to take the plunge once and get rid of problems for good. Here are some tips to make the transition easier.

The best location

Remember that you plan to be here long term. So make sure you choose the best location you can in terms of facilities, and convenience. Don’t end up compromising on what’s important for you, otherwise another move will be imminent on the horizon. And I’m sure nobody wants the hassle of moving again and again. Also, be sure to consider your line of work when choosing your location. If you have a majority of walk-in customers, choose a street that’s easily accessible. Similarly, if you need silence, don’t move to a place with dense traffic

Employee convenience

Be sure to check with your employees if they are comfortable with the new location. You don’t want to end to end up losing trusted, old employees just because their commute to work is too long or the roads are blocked by traffic in the morning. You must consider the move to be in the best interests of staff motivation and productivity.

Living cost

Find out about the costs you will incur in that new location. Check out the rent, electricity, internet, and any other costs while using that location as your base. If the costs are too high compared to your previous place, you might end up losing more revenue.

Explore the area

Explore the area and figure out the available food places offering lunch or a good coffee so your employees do not have a problem later. Daily routines are very important for people. In fact, lack of nutritional eating options can very well be detrimental to an employee’s productivity.


Paperwork is a long and tedious process so do it all well beforehand. Register your new company address with the necessary local, state and federal departments so that you don’t face any problems later.

Service transfers

Ask your internet and telephone service providers to update your new address. Having the same phone number will be a huge advantage, it will save the costs of broadcasting your new information everywhere. People you need to keep in touch with regularly will be able to contact you without any hassle. It might well be possible that the internet provider you now use might not be available at your new place. In that case, be sure to hunt out a new efficient provider and get the lines set up well in advance.

Moving your belongings

If you have heavy machinery or any other infrastructure, you must hire professionals to do your job. You don’t want to compromise on money and then end up having your valuable equipment damaged. Also, heavy furniture requires mover’s vans and skilled people who will handle all your belongings with care.

Business cards

Be sure to get new business cards made with the correct location on them to avoid confusion. Inform your clients, customers, and suppliers about your shift to the new place before you actually move so there are no confusions or break in the buy or sell chains.

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Use a trusted agent

Using an experienced and reputable agent to find you a place in a good location will save you a lot of time and trouble. You should also do your own research, but handing the responsibility to an expert will ensure you get the place you are looking for according to your company’s needs with lesser delays and fewer problems.


Often when you move to a new place, you might need new furniture. You might need to purchase a few more desks because of more space, or new printers, or wireless access points. These things should be considered and dealt with accordingly.

Schedule the Move

It is important to have a sit in with all your members and discuss how the move will take place. Every employee must know his or her role and what they have to do. Also, schedule the order in which your stuff will arrive and what things need to be taken care of before others. Your team should know what needs to be done if certain, inevitable delays occur. How the move is handled is key to making things run smoothly.

To ensure a hassle-free move, make sure you hire a reliable moving company.

Moving can be both an exciting and challenging experience. But when the move is made for the right reasons and to the right place, it will be an enriching experience and prove to be a fruitful one. So if you think you need a change, start hunting for that perfect new spot.

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JennyJenny Harrison is a passionate technology and lifestyle blogger. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for home, lifestyle and tech-related information on the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community. Follow her on twitter @MJennyHarrison for more updates.