If you possess a business website congratulations! You’re ahead of several businesses that don’t have one. A website has an impact on the credibility and excellence of your business. According to research, 57 percent of internet users say they can’t approve a business that has a badly designed website.

Is your website costing you, customers, or clients?

Many businesses battle to turn their minimal-performing websites into those that strengthen credibility and client or customer gain. Initially, writing blogs was just for fun but it isn’t anymore. Currently blogging is in itself a paying business endeavor. You can attract potential customers, show your worth, or even establish the professional repute you need to rank your career or business.

Sadly though, is the reality that even the businesses that own sites, tend to run them unacceptably. And as a result of that, they don’t reap the expected benefits They’ve certainly made the first move by starting a site and creating some posts, yes, but most of them don’t ensure that the site works for them.

Here is where this post comes in handy. Have a look at the website mistakes you may be doing and learn how to correct them for the better.

1. Not Posting Enough

It’s not sufficient to own a site and just post inadequately. If you need to establish a following that you can consequently monetize, your website needs consistent and passionate attention. Maintain a posting schedule that ensures you write at least twice a week for your website. If you can do it more often, by all possible means do that. The more consistently you post high-quality content, the more traffic you can attract and the more likely you are to convince well-paying clients.

2. Not Doing SEO

If there’s any mistake you’re doing with your website, it’s most likely this particular one and the reason is obvious. Several online writers don’t feel comfortable when they see the word “SEO “. It appears so technical to them, like something they can’t understand and work with, without the input of the costly experts. But allow me to put these fears to rest, SEO from a blogging perspective is not that scary. You just have to identify a few keyword phrases ( words you would like to rank for in search engines) by use of keywords research tools like Answer the Public, then incorporate them into your titles, pages, posts where necessary.

If you do freelance writing, for example, you most likely want to rank for ” freelance writer”. To help enhance your visibility for these words, you simply have to include them in your titles, posts and the search engines will realize over time. Also, include them in your meta description and tags. In case you need additional information on SEO, have a look at this post on ways of making your website visible.

3. Website Mistakes: Not Promoting it

Immediately you publish a post, make it work for your benefit. Publicize it on your social media platforms like Facebook, Linkedin by sharing it with friends and family. Include it as a sample on your portfolio page or add a link to it in your email list’s lead magnets. The more people who see your posts, the better your ranking and monetization of your website. Search engines will easily notice your posts and website when they’re shared and talked about much on social media platforms.

4. Not Monetizing it

Are you aware you can make money from your website? Not through the obvious “drive traffic” way. Yes, it will help you bring in additional clients and projects, but that’s not the only way. There are other ways you can monetize your website, earn money with every one of them and every post you publish. Here are the other ways:

  • Do service and product reviews: Consider doing compelling reviews of your products or services in your website posts. Doing so has a greater potential of bringing customers to your business
  • Do Google ads: If you’re scared of doing the advertising legwork, sign up for a Google Adsense and let Google auto-populate your website using pre-made ads just selected for your traffic. You’ll be paid monthly for the number of clicks and views they get through you and no more work!

5. Not Making Your Content Digestible

Unbroken chunks of words online can potentially drive away your website’s traffic. Breaking those chunks using images and videos can add value as well as the necessary visual appeal to your posts and pages. It also reduces the boredom that would be experienced if they weren’t used.

6. Not Investing Adequate Time in it

Don’t be in a hurry to post or publish immediately after you’re through with your draft post. Instead, save it then take some reasonable time to look at how other writers in your line are doing it. Learn a thing or two from your research, then see if there are any corrections you may make.

After that, get back to your draft post most preferably at the time when the mind is fresh then edit it. Editing your draft not only enables you to detect and correct grammar and spelling mistakes but also to see how best to enhance the quality of the post.

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7. Not Being Passionate About it

So sensitive are the visitors to your website that they’re able to tell whether you’re passionate about what you write or not. They aren’t interested in reading boring posts but rather interesting, engaging, and informative ones. Ensure that you write passionately about your products and services. To compel the customers into buying your products or services

8. Not Being Simple

Try as much as possible to avoid the use of technical terms used by professionals in their fields. Not all of the visitors to your site are professionals and if they are then probably not in the same field but different ones. It’s therefore important that you use ordinary language which can be understood by all your website’s visitors. To have a wider readership. Writers know what the 3Cs mean and scientists know what rocket science is about but will your readers understand what these are?

9. Not Using Internal Links

If your website’s posts and pages aren’t linked, try linking them up. Doing so, ensures easy navigation of the site, by enabling readers to easily move from post to post then to pages. That way, they learn a lot about your site within a short stay at it.

10. Not Aligning Your Titles to Tags

Post tags that aren’t similar to the titles, can mislead and result in search errors. Which impacts negatively on the website’s reputation then hampers a better user experience. This alone, is capable of driving off searchers, as they don’t visit your site to do guesswork but to land on the desired posts. Enable Your Website to Work For You

Begin posting adequately to your website, do enough search engine optimization, promote it on social media, monetize, write digestible content, invest adequate time than above all be passionate about what you write. And the remaining will consequently fall in place!

Author Bio

Fredrick Musungu is a freelance writer, blogger, and copywriter who helps businesses and individuals to earn more through promotional, and informational content online at Liberating Freelance Blog. He is also a contributing writer at the Dot Writer, Linked In Pulse as well as MPESAPAY.com.